Sentey Headphone FLOW Review

Okay so i came across these headphones while looking for headphone for my son he is 10 and very musical he is always listening to music and jamming out, So we decided to give them a try, they were listed at 14.99 on amazon, Not bad, actually great price for the style of headphones. Jeremiah can not stand having the earbuds that go in his ears, he hates them, and Honestly i’m sick of hearing kids bop, Blank space, this is my heartbeat song, and uptown funk, those songs have been stuck in my head forever, any way we ordered them, got them in two days thanks to having amazon prime, and we open the box which was just the perfect size, it was packaged nice neat and secure another plus. the product was easy to open, and get out of its packaging, we take em out and he pulls his I phone out of his pocket and plugs them in, and starts listening away goes about his business, as he walks by i’m like Jeremiah use your headphone he goes i am mommy i turn around and yep he had them on, the sound quality on these head phones are exceptional, outstanding, i had him turn it down a bit, and he went about his way, he comes back up to me for me to listen, ( of course he had to of been listening to this is my heart beat song) the crackly noise that was present with his ear buds that came with the phone was gone, Let me add for 15 bucks these are quality headphones, the are not cheaply made, He wore them on the bus for the ride to school and His principal called me and asked me to not allow him to bring expensive headphones to school, she didn’t want to risk having them stolen, i was like they cost 14.99 of amazon so they are not expensive, she was like omg are you serious i was like yes, she thought they were headphones that i paid over 100 dollars for. I was like nope, after we hung up i sent her a quick email with the link and she replied, thanking me for the info and that it was ok for him to wear them to school on the bus, So we are all happy, so thank you #senety for the great sounding quality headphones. He is so happy they also work with his playstation3 So now when he plays online he can hear and talk to his cousins in mexico that play with him, and they sound great not garbled,  And the last part they work well on the pc too, I had to do a conference and everyone was like what are you using you sound so clear and they couldn’t even hear my daughter and dog in the background, i told them all about the Sentey flow headphones